Blog - Centerpoint

Are You Tired of Not Getting Top Level Customer Service from Your Suppliers?

Written by GPO Organization | February 7, 2020

Your company spends a lot of money with your suppliers, so when you call them with a problem, a question or a complaint, you expect to find someone on the other end of the phone with a solution, an answer or a response.

But you don’t.  You leave messages.  You send emails. Nothing.  Sometimes you think your supplier is just a figment of your imagination or perhaps a disembodied robotic presence, like Hal in A Space Odyssey.

But even a disembodied robotic presence can answer a question.

Are you tired of not getting top-level customer service from your suppliers?  If you’re reading this, that’s probably the case. Maybe it’s slow response, late deliveries, or incomplete orders, but whatever it is that’s getting on your nerves, you’re not alone.

Customer service.  A quaint vestige of the past?

People everywhere are talking about a trend in customer service that doesn’t bode well.  It seems that wherever you go, attentive, responsive customer service has become a quaint vestige of the past.

Ask for help online, sometime and enter a maze of pages and sub-pages which seek to answer your question.  You may finally arrive at a complaints page, but the void your complaint is conveyed to sucks it into its depths and a response is never received.

Or, you may encounter a friendly “customer service chat” which only frustrates you further, as the chirpy words being offered to do nothing to solve your problem.  It’s frustrating!

But at CenterPoint Group, customer service is as 21st Century as our use of data to track every transaction and interaction in your supply chain, ensuring that nothing falls between the cracks.

We believe in customer service because it’s a big part of what we do.

Connecting with you

CenterPoint Group GPO’s members get the kind of customer service most people only dream of.  The suppliers we work with are required by the terms of our agreements with them to provide you with a dedicated account manager.  And that’s just the beginning of our best-in-class customer service.

Your supplier-side account manager has a twin at CenterPoint.  When you need mediation, CenterPoint is there to smooth over any misunderstandings and get everyone to “yes”.

At CenterPoint, we make sure you’re not left hanging when you’ve got a problem, a question or a complaint.  

No disembodied robotic presences here.

The concierge treatment

Concierge level treatment is the highest form of customer service and that’s what we practice at CenterPoint.

We personalize our services to meet your needs, guaranteeing seamless implementation, a streamlined billing process and a web ordering platform that’s custom-tailored to you.

Your CenterPoint Customer Service Representative is your link to getting the best from suppliers.  There’s no ambiguity about who the customer is when you’re enjoying concierge customer service with CenterPoint.

21st-century service

If you’re tired of not getting top-level customer service from your suppliers, then it’s time to make the leap to CenterPoint.  Contact us to find out more about our 21st-century customer service.