Be prepared for anything!

CenterPoint Group
CPG Prospectus

Stock up on the PPE essentials you use the most


masks and protective shield


PPE, safety supplies and protective equipment keep office and work sites secure. They help companies ensure full compliance with safety regulations. Protective clothing, helmets, goggles, and other safety gear help guard employees from injury or infection. Safety signs warn employees and others of potential hazards, alert workers to the location of safety equipment and exit routes, and offer safety-related instructions in a concise and attention-getting format. Items  such as masks and sanitizing products help to maintain clean working environments and protect your employees.

Disruptions in supply chains may affect your ability to supply your safety and PPE demands as your employees start going back to the office. Work with CenterPoint to come up with a strategy to acquire and maintain supply while saving money on those essential products.

No matter how much or how little PPE you need, we'll help you save money through our aggregated spend. You can maintain consistency amidst price fluctuations. Having trouble keeping a certain item in stock?

We'll help you find what you want, when you want it!

We are here for our member base!

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PPE total

We have spoke to several of our customers over the past few months and the one thing that we are all certain about is that there is still a lot of uncertainty with the return to office plans. Many of our members have established phases with their return to work efforts that were set to take place on specific dates but were not able to follow through because of the Delta Variant. With the inability to accurately predict when everyone will actually be able to head back to the office permanently, it makes it very difficult to forecast PPE purchases and maintain a proper supply chain.



proctective gear


CenterPoint understands that it is hard to plan for uncertainty but they can help their members stay prepared for anything that the remainder of 2021 and 2022 throws at them. We have worked closely with our suppliers to ensure that we will we able to support our members with whatever they need to succeed. If you're not sure about what you may need in the next several months or you are not sure about what items are best to keep stocked, reach out to CenterPoint today so we can help you with your planning.



If you are interested in learning more about how we can ensure your business stays stocked with the PPE you need to keep operating safely, please contact us with the link below. Your Customer Success Manager is always more than happy to help!



CenterPoint Group provides discounts to key suppliers such as Office Depot, Enterprise and National Car Rental, Travel Leaders Corporate, W.W. Grainger, Verizon Wireless and more


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